A matter of perspective

Thursday 30 January 2025

The second half of December and the entirety of January have been weird for me. (Filled with a lot of thoughts but none that I'd want to publish.)

I feel like I've just written a very unsatisfying ending to a great chapter. Now I'm staring at a blank piece of paper, ready to start the next one. I thought the uncertainty would be daunting. Instead I feel excited and curious about the potential of that empty page.

At the same time I do feel like I'm putting some pressure on myself to make every day and week count. I'm often afraid that I'm wasting precious time.

A friend shared some wisdom recently when I was half-joking that I was feeling old:

You could feel old or you could feel proud of your growth and independence. It's all a matter of perspective.

What a wonderful piece of advice, thank you for saying that in that moment. I do feel that I've grown a lot and I am proud of my independence.

I wish I had a satisfying or insightful conclusion to end this thought with. But I'm not as wise as my friend.